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  • Measurements of electromagnetic fields - EMF (from 0 Hz to 1 MHz):

- Measurement of electromagnetic fields in electrical substations and transmission lines (SS / TL)

- Comply with ANEEL Resolutions 398/2010 and 616/2014

- Technical report and XML file (issued for ANEEL)

- Comply with ABNT NBR 15415 Standard


- Occupational assessment on electromagnetic fields

- Static electromagnetic fields (0 Hz)

- Low frequency electromagnetic fields (from 1 Hz to 1 MHz)


Área classificada (hazardous area)

Eletrostática (electrostatic)

Energia incidente de arco elétrico (arc flash)

Descarga parcial (partial discharge)

Hazop elétrico (electrical hazop)

Energia solar fotovoltaica (photovoltaic solar energy)

Análise de falhas (Failures analysis)

Estudos e projetos (Studies and Projects)

Apoio de legislação (Legislation support)

Planos de manutenção (Maintenance plans)

Treinamento (Training)

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DF LARA Engenharia Consultiva

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Porto Alegre / RS, CEP 91420-420, Brasil

Phone: +55 51 99968 0330




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